Written on 10/28/24

Oh dear oh dear the october cannon event has hit me hard!

Testing Testing Hear All About This!!!

So life has been quite alright since my las update of this site. I took my psychology midterm and despite the fact that I wasn't exactly sure about what I was doing. I passed with a 77% and I am quite happy with that! :3 Normally i'd be devestated from any score under an 85 but considering that the class average was a D I am perfectly happy with that. On another note, college is still quite fun but oh dear am I sleeped deprived.

Enjoy this skrunkly little thing I made. <3

   X      XX  XX     X  
   X       XXXX      X  
XXXX                  XXXXX 
XX      XX     XX       XX
X       XX     XX        X
XX                      XX
 XX         X          XX
Ascii art is so cool!


Blinkie Wall :D